CAC e itinerancia a Benidorm. Galaxia Hung

montaje de exposiciones
Ciutat de les Arts i Les Ciències e itinerancia a Benidorm

Galaxia Hung

The “Hung Galaxy” exhibition by Taiwanese artist Hung Yi was made up of 14 large enamel sculptures inspired by Taiwanese culture.

ART i CLAR received the works held in shipping containers from Taiwan at the City of Arts and Sciences, and took charge of assembling the 14 sculptures. Our company also manufactured stainless steel plinths for four of the sculptures, as well as reinforcing the existing ones and adapting them for consolidated transportation with the sculptures to the next venue.

The volume and delicate technique used for the pieces required special machinery to handle and position the sculptures on their plinths, as well as careful planning of the teamwork involved.

During the itinerant exhibition in Benidorm in 2021, the logistical complexity of the special transportation was dealt with during the pandemic, which made it difficult to coordinate the work’s timelines and teams.

Art Exhibition:
“Galaxia Hung”

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències e itinerancia a Benidorm

December 2020 / February 2021

April / July 2021

montaje de exposiciones
montaje de exposiciones
montaje de exposiciones
montaje de exposiciones
Galaxia Hung

Art that Breathes: Our Projects in Action

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